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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mushrooms, Brussel Sprouts, and Bacon

This recipe is awesome. It sounds simple, but don't let that deceive you. The flavors are quite complex and heavenly. If you make this recipe once, you will love it forever!

Coconut Oil (Tablespoon)
Soy Sauce (a few drops)
Equal amounts of:
Brussel Sprouts

First, mince the Brussel Sprouts, Bacon and Mushrooms.
Then in the pan put in coconut oil.
Next when the pan is hot, put in the bacon.
After about 5 minutes put in the Mushrooms.
When the Mushrooms are soft put in the brussel sprouts.
Make sure to keep stirring the ingredients and at the very end when everything is cooked, pour in just a few drops of soy sauce to bring out the natural flavors that are already mingling in the pan.